Romantic Letters. The Archive of poems from December 1996. Romantic poems, letters and thoughts from our readers. Love Letters and more for lovers and romantics and written by you. Submit your poem, letters and romatic thoughts.
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I discovered your site today. It is charming. My husband of 26 years
proposed to me via Vietnam, where he was stationed at the time. I was
all of 17 and he was 21. Although the proposal was exactly romatic in
terms of poetry, he stated that if he could survive war, he was thinking
maybe he could survive marriage, how about marrying me, oy vay!. Well,
he survived both and five kids.
Laurie Benjamin Emerson
8:10 AM 12/2/96
there was no big scene
we both were not mean
the time came to go
and that is just so
no more fakes
just quiet sakes
no more fire
like a campfire
once a burning pyre
flames leaping
hearts keeping
now just ashes
it quietly crashes
the embers smolder
feelings turn colder
only memories remain
we were insane
or was it just me
matters not i see
all that was
is no longer
sadder maybe
wiser definitely
but all in all
it was really a ball
i would do it all over
Moonlight Sonata...
For the One who Holds My Heart.
Oh, hold on to this heart,
Please don't let go...
It's been stabbed before,
I'm hoping you know.
Your lips are my heaven,
Your eyes know my soul...
Where ever you wander,
With you I shall go.
Shades of crimson,
Around a neck of gold...
Cascading emotions,
This heart's already been told.
Oh, hold on to this heart,
As if the purest dove...
For the peace in my life,
Is only you...oh my love...
~Denise Angela Celeste Griffin
When shall I walk down the park?
When shall I smell the pretty flowers?
When shall I feel your touch?
Only when we're together.
When will I stop thinking of you?
When will I stop liking you?
When will I stop wanting you?
I should think never.
When will our love bloom?
When will happiness reside?
When will time stop?
When we find each other.
And when we're together,
hopefully forever,
we will find each other
deeply in a rain of love.
By Judy Oreste
I traveled down a lonely road,
It twisted and it turned.
The path was paved with fire and thorns,
And I was cut and burned.
I tasted love and found it cold,
Not warm and full of charm.
I learned that walls I built inside
Protected me from harm.
And then one day two eyes met mine,
They saw my very soul.
The love they gave healed all my wounds,
And sought to make me whole.
I walked that road again today,
But everything looked new,
Now roses bloom above the thorns,
And all because of you.
Arlene Heine
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